Design for Non-Designers Workshop

Join Washi Bushi (Senior Product Designer) and Megan Oliver (UX Engeneer to learn how you can get stakeholders comfortable with the idea of drawing in a group setting. These variables help make group sketching more productive.
Washi Bushi
Washi BushiProduct Designer
Megan Oliver
Megan OliverUX Engineer

Join upcoming webinars -

11 Dec, 10am PST

How to work from home as a business consultant

11 Dec, 10am PST

How to work from home as a business consultant

11 Dec, 10am PST

How to work from home as a business consultant

11 Dec, 10am PST

How to work from home as a business consultant

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The Designer’s Handbook is a book about how design serves as the communication between object and user, and how to optimise that in order to make the experience of using the object pleasurable.

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Written by Ruairí Galavan, Jack Jenkins, Emmet Connolly and 2 others

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John DoeSammi SahaPakku Nit

18 articles in this collection

Written by Ruairí Galavan, Jack Jenkins, Emmet Connolly and 2 others

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Written by Ruairí Galavan, Jack Jenkins, Emmet Connolly and 2 others

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John Doe

18 articles in this collection

Written by Ruairí Galavan, Jack Jenkins, Emmet Connolly and 2 others